"प्रयोग:फ़ौज़िया": अवतरणों में अंतर

भारत डिस्कवरी प्रस्तुति
यहाँ जाएँ:नेविगेशन, खोजें
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(6 सदस्यों द्वारा किए गए बीच के 23 अवतरण नहीं दर्शाए गए)
पंक्ति 1: पंक्ति 1:
==महमूद गजनवी के 17 आक्रमण==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
|[[पेशावर वैहिन्द]]
|आनन्दपाल की हार
|हिन्दूशाही राजधानी [[उदभाण्डपुर]]
|[[लोहकोट]] [[कश्मीर]]
|[[मथुरा]], [[कन्नौज]] शाखा
|त्रिलोचनपाल तथा प्रतिहार राजा पराजित
|[[लोहकोट]] [[कश्मीर]]
|[[ग्वालियर]], [[कालिंजर]]
|[[गुजरात]]-[[सिंध प्रांत|सिन्ध]]
|series comment=
|series color=
|phase color=
|appearance=साफ़ ([[हीरा]]), [[काला रंग|काला]] ([[ग्रेफाइट]])
|image name=Blank-1.gif
|image size=
|image name comment=
|image name 2=Blank-1.gif
|image size 2=
|image name 2 comment=कार्बन के वर्णक्रम रेखाएँ
|atomic mass=12.0107
|atomic mass 2=8
|atomic mass comment=
|electron configuration=1s<sup>2</sup> 2s<sup>2</sup> 2p<sup>2</sup> or [He] 2s<sup>2</sup> 2p<sup>2</sup>
|electrons per shell=2,4
|phase comment=
|density gplstp=अमोरफॉस:<ref>Lide, D. R., ed. (2005), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (86th ed.), Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press, ISBN 0-8493-0486-5</ref> 1.8–2.1 g·cm<sup>−3</sup>
|density gpcm3nrt=ग्रेफाइट: 2.267 g·cm<sup>−3</sup>
|density gpcm3nrt 3=हीरा: 3.515 g·cm<sup>−3</sup>
|density gpcm3mp=
|melting point K=
|melting point C=
|melting point F=
|melting point pressure=
|sublimation point K=3915
|sublimation point C= 3642
|sublimation point F=6588
|sublimation point pressure=
|boiling point K=20.28
|boiling point C=-252.87
|boiling point F=-423.17
|boiling point pressure=
|triple point K=4600
|triple point kPa=10800 <ref>Haaland, D (1976). "Graphite-liquid-vapor triple point pressure and the density of liquid carbon". Carbon 14: 357</ref> <ref>Savvatimskiy, A (2005). "Measurements of the melting point of graphite and the properties of liquid carbon (a review for 1963–2003)". Carbon 43: 1115.</ref>
|triple point K 2=
|triple point kPa 2=
|critical point K=32.97
|critical point MPa=1.293
|heat fusion=117 (ग्रेफाइट)
|heat fusion 2=
|heat fusion pressure=
|heat vaporization=
|heat vaporization pressure=
|heat capacity=
|heat capacity pressure=
|vapor pressure comment=
|crystal structure=
|oxidation states=4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4
|oxidation states comment=
|number of ionization energies=3
|1st ionization energy=1086.5
|2nd ionization energy=2352.6
|3rd ionization energy=4620.5
|atomic radius=
|atomic radius calculated=
|covalent radius=77(sp<sup>3</sup>), 73(sp<sup>2</sup>), 69(sp)
|Van der Waals radius=170
|magnetic ordering=[[प्रतिचुम्बकीय]]<ref>Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition, CRC press.</ref>
|electrical resistivity=
|electrical resistivity at 0=
|electrical resistivity at 20=
|thermal conductivity=(300 K) 119-165 (ग्रेफाइट), 900-2300 (हीरा)
|thermal conductivity 2=
|thermal diffusivity=
|thermal expansion=
|thermal expansion at 25=
|speed of sound=(20 °C) 18350 (हीरा)
|speed of sound rod at 20=
|speed of sound rod at r.t.=
|Tensile strength=
|Young's modulus=1050 (हीरा)
|Shear modulus=478 (हीरा)
|Bulk modulus=442 (हीरा)
|Poisson ratio=0.1 (हीरा)
|Mohs hardness=1-2 (ग्रेफाइट), 10 (हीरा)
|Vickers hardness=
|Brinell hardness=
|CAS number=7440-44-0
{{Elementbox_isotopes_stable | mn=12 | sym=C | na=98.9% | n=6 }}
{{Elementbox_isotopes_stable | mn=13 | sym=C | na=1.1% | n=7 | link= }}
{{Elementbox_isotopes_decay | mn=14 | sym=C | na=[[Trace radioisotope|ट्रेस]] | hl=5730 [[years|y]] | dm=[[beta minus decay|β<sup>&minus;</sup>]] | de=0.156 | pn=14 | ps=[[Nitrogen|N]] | link=Tritium }}
==टीका टिप्पणी और संदर्भ==

08:09, 27 अगस्त 2011 के समय का अवतरण