
भारत डिस्कवरी प्रस्तुति
यहाँ जाएँ:नेविगेशन, खोजें


  • theme: Values 1 to 14; gives colour scheme:
  1. tan (default)
  2. mid green
  3. slate blue
  4. red
  5. mauve
  6. yellow
  7. mid blue
  8. orange
  9. grey-green
  10. sky blue
  11. better mauve
  12. light red
  13. blue
  14. grey
  • title: Box title.
  • width: Box width; default is 100%.
  • height: Guess; default is 100%.
  • icon: Image name for icon.
  • iconwidth: Pixel width of icon; default is 56. Include "px".

Don't forget to use the {{Robelbox/close}} template after your content!
This template should be used together with {{Robelbox/pad}} to pad out the box contents - see examples below, and see talk page.

Simple examples

Theme 1: Tan (default)

This code:

 {{robelbox|title=Test title}}
  <div style="{{Robelbox/pad}}">
  Test content using a default box

produces this box:

Test title

Test content using a default box

Theme 2: Mid green

This code:

  {{robelbox|theme=2|title=Test title}}
  <div style="{{Robelbox/pad}}">
  Test content using a default box with theme=2

produces this box:

Test title

Test content using a default box with theme=2

Color samples

Theme 1

Content goes here.

Theme 2

Content goes here.

Theme 3

Content goes here.

Theme 4

Content goes here.

Theme 5

Content goes here.

Theme 6

Content goes here.

Theme 7

Content goes here.

Theme 8

Content goes here.

Theme 9

Content goes here.

Theme 10

Content goes here.

Theme 11

Content goes here.

Theme 12

Content goes here.

Theme 13

Content goes here.

Theme 14

Content goes here.