श्रीभगवान् बोले-
भय का सर्वथा अभाव, अन्त:करण की पूर्ण निर्मलता, तत्त्वज्ञान के लिये ध्यान योग में निरन्तर दृढ स्थिति और सात्त्विक दान, इन्द्रियों का दमन, भगवान्, देवता और गुरुजनों की पूजा तथा अग्निहोत्र आदि उत्तम कर्मों को आचरण एवं वेद[1] -शास्त्रों का पठन-पाठन तथा भगवान् के नाम और गुणों, का कीर्तन, स्वधर्म पालन के लिये कष्ट सहन और शरीर तथा इन्द्रियाँ के सहित अन्त:करण की सरलता ।।1।।
Sri Bhagavan said-
Absolute fearlessness, perfect purity of mind;
constant fixity in the Yoga of meditation for the sake of Self-Realization, and even so charity in its Sattvika form, control of the senses, worship of god and other deities as well as of one's elders including the performance of Agnihotra (pouring oblations into the sacred fire) and other sacred duties, study and teaching of the Vedas and other sacred books as well as the chanting of God's names and praises, suffering hardships for the discharge of one's sacred obligations and straightness of mind as well as of the body and senses; (1)