जो पुरुष अधिभूत और अधिदैव के सहित तथा अधियज्ञ के सहित (सबका आत्मरूप) मुझे अन्तकाल में भी जानते हैं, वे युक्तचित्त वाले पुरुष मुझे जानते हैं अर्थात् प्राप्त हो जाते हैं। जो मेरे शरण होकर जरा और मरण से छूटने के लिये यत्न करते हैं, वे पुरुष उस ब्रह्रा को, सम्पूर्ण अध्यात्म को, सम्पूर्ण कर्म को जानते हैं ।।29-30।।
They who, having taken refuge in me, strive for deliverance from old age and death know Brahma (the absolute), the whole adhyatma (the totality of jives or embodies souls), and the entire field of karma (action) as well as My integral being, comprising Adhibhuta (the field of matter), Adhidaiva (Brahma) and Adhiyajn (the unmanifest Divinity dwelling in the heart of all beings as their witness). And they who, possessed of a steadfast mind, know thus even at the hour of death, they too know me alone. (29,30)